Become Super Leaders - Creating a competitive EDGE

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Provide reader new insights and knowledge on how they can become better leaders, first to themselves. Apply these insights immediately.

Readers will be able to formulate a daily task list that can help them in their work routine.

Inspire and motivate the participants to have a better sense of well-being, commitment and purpose to their role in community.

Primary Insights

  • What do you understand by leadership?

  • How would you define leadership?

  • What do you think are the qualities of a Super Leader?

Purpose of Leadership

  • What is the purpose of leadership?

  • Why must people lead?

  • Can followers also have a leader-like mentality?

  • Should followers be able to think like their leader?

What is a Super Leader?

  • Someone who cares

  • Someone who motivates

  • Someone who inspires

  • Someone who can help you get to where you need to go

  • Someone who can change your life for ever

How do you become a Super Leader?

  • Become fully involved and engaged but not become a micro manager

  • Be able to delegate that your message is clear, consistent, and concise

  • Be able to lead by example, not just words

  • Be able to make leaders of your followers

A Super Leader is Super in:

  • Communication

  • Courage

  • Caring for each and everyone of his team

  • Taking responsibility and ownership

  • Motivating People

  • Evoking People to Act

  • When he loses his center, goes back to it right away

  • Making you imagine your best self and best life ever, and actually helping you get there.

  • Leading by Serving

  • Giving clear goals and objectives, and guidelines on how to achieve them.

Super Leaders Never Make Excuses

  • When a follower is at fault, he also takes responsibility and never blames others for his own mistakes or makes excuses for his fault.

  • What are the typical excuses you make when you don’t deliver?

  • What should a leader in times of problem or crisis?

Leadership is Embodied

  • Have you met people who are all talk, no do?

  • A true leader walks his talk.

  • How he lives is his message.

  • How will you live as a leader? Of your home, your community, your job?

Super Leaders are not wishing wells

  • A leader is not someone who will give his team all the answers, rather

  • A leader is someone who will help navigate his team come up with the best possible solution.

A Super Leader portrays Humility

  • His success is never because of him alone but because of his team.

  • He will seldom talk about his accomplishments but rather boast the achievements of his team members

Leadership means genuine care

  • True leaders care about their team members and not mislead them or give them false expectations.

Leaders Steer Towards the Goal

  • Without clear direction, the team will drift nowhere. Maybe somewhere, but not where the goal is.

  • A Super Leader not only gets you to the goal, but just like a best and super pilot that makes a perfect landing.

Leaders Ensures Tasks Are Completed

  • Time bound

  • Maximize allotted time given

  • Avoid having to repeat tasks several times, if it can be done once, do it just once

Leaders Taps Your Forte

  • A leader is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of his team members, and is able to capitalize on the strengths of his members.

Leaders set clear expectations and objectives

  • Do your homework and make sure you are clear on what needs to happen

  • Do your part by taking notes and learning to clarify objectives.

  • Ensure that everyone has understood their roles clearly

Super Leaders Learn Something New Everyday

  • A Super Leader is someone who never stops learning something new every day.

  • One cannot lead if he is not equipped with enough information coming from a wide variety of sources

Recommended additions to daily habits

  • Read several pages of a book, magazine, journal or blogs

  • Exercise

  • Meditate / Pray

  • Learn a new skill, language or even musical instrument.

  • Learn about something that is totally different from your field of expertise

Being Comfortable with Silence

  • Calming the mind, feeling the breath

  • This is the best way to go back to your center

  • Staying calm in any situation is the best way to respond

  • Staying calm does not mean that you don’t have a sense of urgency or the ability to act in an appropriate manner

Super Leaders Build Super Relationships

  • At the end of the day, a leader that cannot build strong bonds with his team members will have a very difficult time achieve anything.

  • Do you do your work because you fear your boss or because you care about him as he cares about you?

True Respect Is Earned

  • A leader never demands respect

  • He is respected because he is worthy of respect

  • What do you think are the main reasons why you believe that people should respect you? Is it because of stature, money, influence, power?

  • Is a leader’s power the reason for respecting him?

Excellence in Leadership

  • A Super Leader aims only to achieve the most excellent results, performing in the most excellent way, being the most excellent of all.

  • Successful organization core value is EXCELLENCE. It is therefore necessary that leaders perform in utmost excellence.

Commitment to Leadership

  • What are a leader’s greatest commitments?

  • What things in particular do you believe that your leaders should be committed to?

A Leader’s Daily Routine

  • Prayer: Putting God first

  • Set directions for the day

  • Inspire his people for productive

  • Commit to accomplishing the goal

  • Work with his team to achieve the goal

  • Thank his team for their contribution

  • Day’s reflection / How to become even better

  • Prayer: Thank God

Leadership Timing Principles

  • Between working smart and working hard, it’s better to work smart and get things done versus to work hard but not get things done

  • Don’t get caught up in Analysis / Paralysis

  • Careful planning saves a lot of time

  • Are all the elements, requirements in place? Did we forget anything.

  • When everything is in place, JUST DO IT.

Final Insights

  • Super Leaders do not wait around for things to happen because they are the ones who make things happen.

  • Super Leaders create a path for others to follow in their success because they want everybody around them to succeed as well.

  • Super Leaders make everyone around them feel and become Super.

  • Super Leaders leave a legacy behind that other will follow.



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