Trivia and Fun facts about Pigs

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Did you know - facts with Pigs...

-Pig feel pain and love.

-Piglets learn their name by 2 to 3 weeks of age, and they respond when being called.

-Pigs rank number 4 in intelligence behind chimps, dolphins, and elephants.

-Pig snuggle close to one another and prefer to sleep nose to nose.

-Pigs have a sophisticated cognitive ability more so than dogs and 3 years old children.

-Pigs communicate with one another over 20 vocalizations have been identified.

-They are clean animals, if given sufficient space, they will not soil where they sleep or eat.

-Pigs are capable of playing video games.

-Over 50 million pigs are killed for food each year here in the Philippines and Over 112 million  in the US


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