Gesture Control Your PC With Intel’s RealSense 3D Camera

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Get ready for keyboard-free computing this year; Intel took to the spotlight at CES to discuss expanding facial recognition and gesture control technology in 2014.

Mooly Eden, senior VP of Intel’s Perceptual Computing Group, showcased the Intel RealSense 3D camera—a camera capable of tracking your facial expressions and mood, and reacting accordingly.

Eden called RealSense technology “the new brain of all of this perceptual computing,” and discussed Intel’s plans for perceptual computing in 2014. RealSense 3D cameras will be embedded in new laptops, desktops and tablets starting in the second half of 2014, with Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Fujitsu and Dell supporting the first wave.

Intel will also use RealSense technology to drive 3D printing at home, and has just extended a partnership with Nuance to embed speech recognition software in new Intel-powered laptops and tablets.

Keyboard & mouse or gesture control—which do you prefer, and do you think you’ll enjoy gesture controls?

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