How to become a highly paid sales person in real-state in the Philippines

Monday, September 2, 2013

[caption id="attachment_1294" align="alignleft" width="328"]Successful sales person .[/caption]

How become a highly paid sales person in real-state in the Philippines. When I start of my sales career one of my friends told me that; “Do you believe that a top twenty percent of the sales people earn the 80% of the money?” I said, NO I don’t even heard about that. And he said YES it is called the pereto principle, the 80:20 percent rule. And I said well if that's the case, then I want to be in the top 20 percent. That’s simple decision will make you one of the billionaire club member around the globe.

Oh!, not to mention this article is not only focusing selling house and lots or condominium unit, or apartments, or office spaces or any other realty stuff, but it’s also applicable with those guys selling appliances such; audio video products, IT products, Washing and Ref products, small kitchen and cook top, also add Air-con and electric fans. They are the selling personnel commonly know is the country  as sales promoters, promodizers, or sales assistant, SUC’s and SC’s. Furthermore, this article also applicable for sales engineers, sales executives, marketing channel assistants, and all of the sales persons.

The key on becoming good sales person and the very first you need to learn is to make a decision to be in the top twenty percent. Because, if you don’t make a decision to be in the top 20%, you will be automatically fall by default into the bottom 80%. Nobody ever says that when I grow up in my sales career I will be in the bottom 80 percent and struggle about money for all of my life. But by failing to make a choice to excel, you are unconsciously make a decision to be mediocre. So your aim is to become one of the highest paid sales people in your profession and accelerate your sales career by using the vital keys to success in sales, the vital keys to get into the top twenty percent. Unfortunately this is easier than you might think.

Now, most significant to be a top sales people is as top sales person love what they love to do. All successful and highly paid sales person love there sales career. You as selling personnel must learn to love your work and commit yourself to become excellent in your field. Invest lot of time learning to improve your knowledge in your sales career, pay any price, go any distance, sacrifice to become very best of what you do and never stop until you get there. Because, all of them who are in the top twenty percent starts in the bottom 10 or 20 percent even number two in the bottom. No one start’s at the top. The fact million of the people start in the bottom and now they enjoying to be on the top, I know you can do it as well if you decide to.

Want to learn more on how to become guru as sales person? Then, stay tune and we have a lot of things to discuss with, this is Jesson reminding you that “Your choice is your success or failure so be clever!”

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