Appliances that Last: LaGERMANIA Gas Stove's and Complete Operating Manual

Thursday, September 19, 2013

List of laGERMANIA Gas Stove's


This article dealt on how to Make laGERMANIA Gas Stove's Last Longer and Operating Manual preferably for the following laGERMANIA gas stove's models; G-700B INOX, G-722 INOX, G-701 INOX, G-707 INOX, G-650 INOX, G-150 INOX, G-521 INOX, G-560 INOX, G-520 INOX, G-250 INOX, G-633 INOX, G-550 INOX, G-561 INOX, G-651 INOX, G-733 INOX, G-725 INOX, G-750 INOX, G-600 INOX, and G-710 INOX.


Preparing the laGERMANIA gas stove's


First, to check to ensure that all parts of the gas stove are complete.


Second, Place the trivets on the top plate.


Third, push the rubber hose onto the gas pipe as far as it will go. Secure the hose using a hose clamp.


Operating the laGERMANIA stove's

Maximum Flame

Push the knob in fully and turn counter – clockwise to ON until a click was heard. In this position, both outer and inner holes emits maximum flame strength.


Minimum Flame

Turn the knob to left in the MIN directions. In this position, both outer and inner holes emits minimum flames.


Air Control

For good flame, turn damper left or right until a blue flame is obtained.


LaGERMANIA Maintenance and Care


Using a brush, clean the Burner Head and Burner Top surface of any dust adhering to these parts.


Wipe clean the Trivet and other Stainless Steel parts with a small amount of soapy water.


Clean the Ignition as dust adhering to these parts may present a problem to its operation.


laGERMANIA Installation Guide


A minimum clearance of 15 cm from the side/back wall and 100 cm from the ceiling is required when installing the laGERMANIA gas stove.


The laGERMANIA gas stove should be placed in a well-ventilated room.


Do's and Dont's for LaGERMANIA stove's


Keep away any flamable material or liquid from the gas stove.


Connect the hose to the gas cylinder.


Do not route rubber hose under the laGERMANIA gas stove.


Never use a single rubber hose for two laGERMANIA gas stove.


Open the main valve in the gas cylinder. In the event of a gas leak shut off the main valve immediately and open the windows in the room to allow the gas to escape.


In the event of a gas leak, do not switch on any electrical appliances or lighter as sparks may cause ignition of gas.

Check the gas stove before operating it.


Do not use any small cooking utensil that may cover the burners flame thereby extinguishing the flame.


Do not use any large cooking utensil covering the entire laGERMANIA gas stove's surface.


Take care that no boiling water spills into the laGERMANIA gas stove's top surface.


Do not leave the laGERMANIA gas stove unattended when turned on.


Replace any damaged or cracked rubber hose immediately.


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