Monday, December 29, 2014

New products and technologies will redefine everything about how you live, work, and play in the years—and decades—to come.

When you’re looking for the coolest, most science-fictiony tech out there, it’s not always a shiny new gadget or even something that’s very new at all. One of the most exciting, future-busting technologies of 2014 was a system created more than a decade ago, scarcely improved on since, and only deployed at the end of the past year. But because of it we landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The scientific data we received as a result of doing so points us down a path that many in the space exploration community believe will occupy our attention and potentially bear tremendous rewards in the decades to come.

That’s just one example. Here’s a look at other futuristic technology we can expect to play major roles in the months and years to come.

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